Saturday, April 09, 2005


I am channel surfing to find something to watch. It is Saturday around 1:00 and there is nothing but a steaming pile of crap on TV.

On Spike TV I have found a red headed WEEPING boxer on what I assume is The Contender. Oh, actually it is The Ultimate Fighter Marathonl, my bad. Apparently he is so emotionally scarred by what another meat-head said to him that he is weeping uncontrollably and decided to sleep outside because he cannot face the other meat-heads. The others become intoxicated and further antagonize him by hosing him down while he sleeps. He is (understandably) enraged, just before I changed the channel, he broke a door down because it was apparently not allowing him entry. [[click]] Testosterone overdose.

On VH1 they are showing Showgirls, again. The program director must have a thing for "Mamma" as Slater called her on Saved by the Bell. I don't even want to waste my time typing about how awful this movie is. The hightlights: the fake clothes VH1 has "photoshopped" onto the strippers, Tre from Sex in the City with a very interesting hairdo. [[click]]

On all news channels, CNN, Headline News, Fox News, MSNBC, etc. we have the Royal Wedding Recap. [[click]]

HGTV, Discovery, and TLC all have some home improvement show on. No thanks. [[click]]

MTV we have Real World 23 or is it Road Rules 20 or is it Inferno 10? Anyway, we have a red team and a black team. They are standing on a 4x4 plank over water taking off and putting on each others clothes. We have men in bikini's and tank tops. Hmmm. [[click]]

TBS has Back to the Future 1, 2, or 3. [[click]]

Sports channel [[click]]
Sports channel [[click]]
Sports channel [[click]]
Lifetime, Linda Hamilton crying. [[click]]
Nick, Sponge Bob. [[CLICK!]]
Food Network, Low Carb and Lovin' it. [[double click]]

I supposed I could turn it off and do something productive...Nah, I'll just watch the Weather Channel.


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