Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Family Business

Back in the "olden days" the surname of a family was based on what the family did for a living. What does it mean when you Google your last name, just to see what comes up, and you get link after link of...Dutch porn?

A few years ago, when I had a few minutes to mindlessly search the web for something to look at, I encountered just this when I typed in my maiden name. Does this mean that my ancestors were affluent in the porn business back in the day?

It certainly would be fitting, I suppose, since we recently cleaned out my grandfather's house after he passed away and found his sizable stash of nudie movies (and not the Skinimax type either). Maybe he was carrying on the family legacy.

I, for one, am not carrying on this legacy in any shape or form - just in case you were concerned. For those of you who are curious - Billen.

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