Monday, July 04, 2005

Marathon TV

Holiday weekends are notorious for marathon runs of popular TV shows. On Saturday I spent the entire day (from 9 am to 8 pm) watching The 4400 on USA Network. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't just sitting around wasting my day watching TV. While I watched I worked on an order for 400 frames that I have pending, so essentially I was getting paid to watch TV. I also wanted to see the first season of The 4400 because the show intrigued me and contrary to this post, I don't really watch that much TV. I recommend the show, I enjoy it almost as much as Lost.

Today, I am watching the marathon of Monk, also on USA. And, yes, I am still making frames. For those of you who aren't familiar with the show Monk, I will give a brief review. Monk is a former detective who is stricken with a severe case of obsessive/compulsive disorder. (Thus the former detective). The show revolves around Adrian Monk assisting in solving cases while working around his OCD. That said, CK and I enjoy the show. We don't watch it often because, as I said, we don't watch that much TV. I hate to admit how much Monk reminds me of CK - and myself. We aren't as extreme, but our kids (yet to be conceived) will probably have no hope.

An example of our issue(s) to amuse you: We have gone a few times to a restaurant that offers peanuts to be shelled and eaten while you wait for your meal. You are supposed to throw the shells on the floor, that is apparently the "fun" of eating the peanuts. CK and I will eat the peanuts and make a tidy pile of shells on the table until they bring the bread plates, then the peanut shells are quickly moved off the table and onto the plate. Neither one of us can force ourselves to throw the shells on the floor. We tried.


Craig said...

I did throw a shell on the floor once. The guilt was ovewhelming. Never again.

Melissa said...

The other show I refer to is "Lost" and it was new last season. It is about a bunch of people (40?) who find themselves stranded on an island after their airplane crashed. Exceptional mystery show. I highly recomend getting the DVD when it comes out (this fall?) if you haven't seen the show. Here is the website, but if you haven't seen the show, you don't want to play around too much on the site or it may spoil some of the mystery.

Melissa said...

Oh, CK pointed out that you might have meant a second season of the 4400. Yes, there is. (On in about an hour here.)