Thursday, April 20, 2006

Am I environmentally friendly?

Or just cheap? Last night I mowed our lawn - well, at least about 1/6th of it. We just bought a house and have an actual yard to take care of all of a sudden. We only have a push mower because that is all we needed for our 12x12 (144 square foot) patch of grass at our old house. Now we have about 2500 square feet of yard to mow!

Boo hoo, you think. They have a push mower and are whining because they want a riding mower. The catch is, we have a PUSH mower. With the blade. And no gas. And no electrical moving parts. Just the spinning blades.

While mowing (which was actually quite relaxing and not that hard to do) I thought to myself, "Self, you really could be helping the environment by not using a gas powered mower. And, Self, you are probably saving a TON of money because you don't need to buy gas. Self, you can mow even on Ozone Alert days!"

So, are we cheap/poor or eco-friendly? I have decided on eco-friendly. Maybe I'll shed a few pounds and get a little tan. :) If I had $2500 would I buy a push mower? Maybe, maybe not. I might rather have a wide screen plasma tv...

Happy Spring!

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